Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Match Strategy

Aight, since I am too lazy/uninspired/smart to keep writing girl specific emails on match, I have decided to move on to generic emails that I can send in mass.

So I wrote my first attempt at a generic email yesterday, sent it to 3 friends for review, and all 3 said I sound like a pompous ass. Super.

I talked to some more folks today and they said, "isn't a generic email the same as a wink?". Super.

As a result, I have just completed implementing my new A/B/C testing strategy:

A) Sent 10 generic emails with my original "Jason is a pompous ass" wording.
B) Sent 10 generic emails watered down to hide my inherent nature, as well (as far as I can tell) as all humor and wit.
C) Winked at 10 girls.

I can almost hear my inbox being inundated with responses. As a result, I will also be signing up for eHarmony pronto.

- Jason

P.S The girl I went on a first date with wrote me the next day inviting me to go out with her and the guy she just started dating. AWESOME.


AGA said...

I didn't say it made you sound like a pompous ass; I said it was overly saccharine. The blog posts make you sound like a pompous ass.

And...there's a crucial detail on wrong on your post script, which I assume was purposeful obfuscation. I will continue to tell the correct version of the story, however.

Pete Kazanjy said...

What's wrong with the email sounding like a pompous ass? Isn't there value in truth in advertising? I wouldn't like Jason as much if the pompous ass quotient went down. Of course, he's not trying to date me...I think.

AGA said...

Pete--You've gone out with Jason multiple times, which means that his relationship with you is more successful than with any girls in the last, oh, 4 years.

Must be your thighs. I think he's into that.

jb said...

Experimentation. i love it. as long as you use random assignment, you'd get an A in my class.