Friday, November 28, 2008

Back from LA

I took a little "work vacation" to LA last week, so the ladies have been missing my amazingly witty emails for a week. Well, given my incredible 0 for 7 response rate on emails thus far, maybe missing is the wrong word. But now that I am refreshed and inspired by L&L's dates I expect that my next emails will be far more persuasive (that, and perhaps I'll remove the fact that I play poker for a living from my profile or target less compelling girls).

Anyway, with online dating failing me thus far, I have been resorting to the old fashion party and bar channels. Results thus far:

1) No bar numbers, but I would like an official ruling on whether talking to one girl for an hour at a bar in LA counts as a date?!?! I mean, that was clearly a longer interaction than Lissa's first date (boo-yah!) and resulted in more or less the same place.

2) 3 numbers from parties...
-- Catch up with old friend at party, get number, go on date. Date is great; second date to follow.
-- After talking to a girl for an hour at a party (again, could already be a date, right!?), I think about asking for her number. Similarly to my LA experience, I decide I don't want to. But then I realize that I also don't want to buy dinner and ask for her number anyway. The next day I conclude that it would be really dick of me to go on a date with someone just to win a bet. Funny, but dick. So I don't call.
-- Thanksgiving number burning hole in my pocket. Ok, maybe not burning a whole, but warm.

So, with 3 days left in the month, and only 1 date completed, I am either going to have to get hyper aggressive with my 2 numbers (always a winning strategy) or accept the fact that Lorri is a stud and hope Lissa will have to split the bill with me. Let me make some calls...

- J


Pete Kazanjy said...

Could you pull a Sinatra and invite both of the prospect numbers to the same dinner / bar?

Would that qualify as two dates under your bet?

Something's telling me that you guys didn't handle this edge case...shame.

Sister Soldier said...

kind of like speed dating? i think we should set it up.

Zerogee said...

Jason, you may have told me to check out this blog, but you're a huge disappointment. Lorri and Lissa, however, whoever they are, are pretty cool. Do you know which friend store I have to go to in order to return you and exchange for them?