Thursday, November 20, 2008

Turkey Day

I'm having my first date next Tuesday with "Southern and cultured" at the Dubliner. Hear that Dubs? All hands on deck! The big day is November 25th, mark your calendars. I figure this is a good way to kick off my Thanksgiving break. Family holiday parties can somewhat be depressing for me. You would think that they'd be full of joy and merriment with all the children running around the house. But I'm the only ONE in my family that hasn't produced offspring and my aunts, uncles and cousins remind me all the time. "You better hurry up Lissa." "You need to settle down, you're getting old "Are you a lesbian?" I can't help but feel like I'm being Darwined out of my own people, especially after seeing my younger pregnant cousin. This is actually her third child, so she's lapping me at this point. Don't worry, I'm not pulling a "Species" with any of my dates. I just hate holidays and first dates. Can I just buy you guys dinner already?

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