Thursday, November 13, 2008

needing some motivation

So the new sense of anticipation of what I'll find in my inbox is interesting. Kind of like christmas morning, except it's like Christmas morning with MY family, where you got (and still get) toothbrushes and packs of sugar free gum in your stocking. ya...aay?

Been talking to a few people- may be on my way to the 3 dates that make me immune to buying Lissa and Jason dinner this month. Take that bitches! BUT I'm kind of losing interest already. Yeah it's fun on paper, but in person I'm dreading a meetup. Holy awkwardness and disappointment batman. What's a suki to do?


Alethia said...

Well, you know you've got an undercover chapperone for your dates if you want...I would find it highly entertaining. Let's work on hand signals ;-) I

Alethia said...

so undercover you don't even know who it is by this odd blogger name, but I bet you can figure it out!