Thursday, November 27, 2008

Date #1 - You've just been nipped

I'm about to take a tryptophan induced nap, after my 3rd Thanksgiving meal of the day. It's not even dinner time yet. It's been football, food, repeat all day long. Before I nap and eat again, I thought I'd write about my first (wish it was my third) date with 'southern and cultured' (aka 'Ears') on Tuesday.

Captain's log:

5:30 - Gather my belongings at work to go home an unwind before my date.

5:31 - Hi-jacked by Mihir, my lead developer, to talk about an issue with my product.

6:30 - Stressed and cursing, I finally leave work to wait for the bus.

6:45 - On a packed and smelly bus, getting a pep talk from Jason as he looses $4000 while playing poker.

7:15 - Stressed, cursing and pacing, I get a 2nd pep talk from Lorri telling me to just have fun and enjoy myself.

8:00 - Still cursing, I make it to the pub and get a 3rd pep talk from Dean, Elaine, Cynthia, Patrick and Erich.

8:03 - Dean offered to lick my face and say "I'll be seeing you later baby" during my date.

8:05 - Witless and semi-boring banter with Ears. He parroted practically everything I said. I finally went into 'I'm just going to talk to entertain myself' mode.

8:10 - Drive-by checkup by the newly shorn Cynthia.

8:20 - Drinking.

8:25 - Drinking.

8:30 - Drinking.

8:35 - Drive-by from Dean; thankfully no licking.

8:40 - Drive-by from Nora, thank God!

8:45 - Ears tells me how he met this chick online and took her out 3 times, but felt he had to 'nip it in the bud' because sparks weren't flying.

8:50 - Ears nips it in the bud with me and says 'Happy Thanksgiving'.

8:55 - Mocked by Cynthia, Erich, Patrick, Nora, Dean and Randy; and Jason via text.

9:15 - Watched and enjoyed a repeat of 'Law and Order' and finished off dumplings, while waiting for the next 'Law and Order' (it suddenly dawns on me why I'm single).

1 comment:

Pete Kazanjy said...

Pep talk from Jason = teh FAIL.

Especially when he's losing.