Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quantum of Solace

The polls may say I'm ahead in the amazing date race, but I believe Lorri is having coffee with a potential suitor as I blog. While I've rigged the widget (Jason-this is why I wanted administrative access), I'm ahead because my people at Noe Valley's Dubliner have voted for me. You guys are the best! I know most of the bartenders, the waitresses, and about 75% of the patrons at this place where everyone knows my name, and has my back. I figured this will be the perfect comfortable setting for my dates. It'll help me be more at ease because it's like being at home, and let's face it, first dates are as much fun as the stomach flu. I'll also have the peace of mind that at least 20 secret service are surrounding me to make sure homeboy doesn't slip a ruffie in my drink and take me home to put the lotion in the basket. Now I just need the dates and it's slim pickins' out there my friends! To make things worse, Lorri and Jason made me do the unthinkable last Friday night at 10p. They made me login to Yahoo personals to show them the dark horses in the running. So now all these people know that I logged in on Friday night to troll for men. Why isn't there a stealth mode login? ARRRGH!!

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