Saturday, November 29, 2008

Date #2 - Web of Lies

This is why I hate online dating. Hotty McHottnes was hot like 10 years ago. WTF! Why can't people put recent pictures of themselves? Is it that f'n hard? I mean Lorri, Jason and I went through a simple round robin process of picking pictures of ourselves. It only took us 2 bottles of wine and 3 hours.

Stoney was nice. We had great conversation and he was pretty funny. He had a swim before we met so he came to District in sweats. Oh hell no!

The date lasted about 1.5 hours and I texted Lorri an S.O.S. I told Stoney I had to meet my friend, I didn't tell him I was meeting her there. I pretended to leave and then went back into the bar to have another drink and appies with Lo-Lo.

Ears sent me an email today, and said he wanted to hangout again. Seriously? I haven't responded yet. I thought I was nipped!

I have Date #3 tomorrow at 3 in Cole Valley with a guy whose pretty cute. He's half Swedish and half Filipino. I'm probably related to him somehow, all filipinos are, I'm not kidding.

So you know what that means Jason? Dinner is on you darling!!!!

Ugh 2 more months of this crap!!

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