Sunday, November 9, 2008

The setup: My POV

So when I agreed to go over to Lissa's I thought it was to help out with drunken profile creation- not participate, but I got sucked in to the insanity. What the hell.

The concept of online dating is appealing in theory- like shopping for men. You pick out which ones you like, try them out and just return them if they make your ass look fat. But in reality- it feels more like a scavenger hunt, where you have to do a lot of digging to uncover all the bullshit.

It also feels pretty uncomfortable to plaster yourself all over web with a big sign that says "I'm looking!" I have a sinking feeling I may end up as a "persona" in one of Yahoo's new product marketing meetings.

But despite initial reservations, I think it will be an interesting experiment. And being a highly competitive person, I look forward to racking up some free dinners. Hey we are in a recession, right?

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