Sunday, November 16, 2008

Date #1

So I just came back from meetup #1 with a guy that I will nickname "gov'na" for the sake of some degree of privacy.

I almost wish things went horribly bad and/or awkward but to tell you the truth it went smashingly well, due to the following factors:

A) he was cute, and actually resembled his photos quite well
B) he had excellent teeth
C) he was quite engaging. Not once did we have to resort to "yahoo icebreaker" questions like "what is you're favorite color?" or "What was your most embarrassing moment?"

It was smooth and fun. I found myself wanting to invite him places. If anything I'd say the only negatives, were A) I think he's a tad shy of the 5'10" he quoted (hard to tell as I was wearing heels) and B) he's not as beefy as I would like.

After calling Lissa earlier to say I'm bored with this and unhopeful, I'd say this date renewed my faith in the process.

It's on.


JSK said...

Congratulations on your first date. I will now add height prejudice to the ageism evidenced in your introductory post. :P

All I can say is how dumb of Jason to have engaged in this challenge when he certainly will be buying the most dinners. Maybe he could date his roommate. Ables has nice hair.

Suki said...

for the record, I don't have height issues. but i have issues if people LIE about their height.