Sunday, November 16, 2008

our father who art in heaven...

Hello, world.

This is Adam, Jason's roommate, making a desperate plea to Lorri and Lissa to end this early. Not for Heidi's sake, but for mine. Now that he's finally got the profile down (and thank you to all of his friends who told Jason that "be smart...that helps" was not funny but just dickish), he's moved on to asking me to help him write emails to girls he likes on For the last hour he sat on the couch whining about how hard it is to write these things and asking me to come up with funny quips or subject lines. L&L--I know you guys have Jason's best interests at heart in humoring him on this betting thing, and I like you both and think you deserve to meet great guys, but I can't handle 2.75 more months of being Jason's creative muse. Even my dedication to getting Jason some ass only goes so far. Save me!



Pete Kazanjy said...

Adam, man up.

Look at this as an investment. If you help Jason find a girl, and that girl ends up working out somewhat, he might help clean stuff.

Unknown said...

Maybe he'll let you have sex with them as's a win/win for both you AND his dates...