Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Set-Up

So, Lissa, Lorri, and I got together at Lissa's place tonight, drank some (a lot of) wine, and all set up our online dating profiles.

Things I have learned:
1) Both Lissa and Lorri think they look drunk in every picture ever taken of them.
2) I am drunk in every picture ever taken of me.
3) Lissa does not want to date anyone remotely like me.
4) Writing about yourself is haaaaaaaard.

I will post again in a bit once all our profiles are approved so you can see them. Apparently, this takes up to 72 hours, so none of us will be getting any new ass until at least Tuesday.

If any readers would like to become a contributor to this blog, you simply need to agree to get an online profile up, go on 3 unique online dates a month, and buy us all dinner if you fail. So easy!

Get pumped people.


Avin said...

Oh this should be good...

Alethia said...

Can't wait for the stories, but no way am I participating! You girls are brave ;-)

Adam Marchick said...

So, Jason, are you stating your profession is 'poker playing.' Will this hurt your game? Perhaps you should make something else up...

Nick said...

Jason, having witnessed your "bar game", I am obliged to let you know that there is no way to physically reach through the Internet and make a single mother take seven shots of Jack.

Please advise.

Avin said...

Maybe he can create an online version of the incredible drinking game "Bridge & Tunnel." Guaranteed attention.

For those that don't know the game, just ask Jason to teach you.

Adam Marchick said...

Where are the updates people? Can't wait to hear about a 1st date at a X-mas office party...